Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Be prepared...

...for what you pray for.

I've decided (recently) that I do not like the phrase "be careful what you pray for."

It is often used ...for example...when one prays for patience. I get that when you pray for patience you generally are given opportunities to practice patience and therefore become better at it. The problem is no one wants to practice being patient they just want to suddenly be patient...

I know wouldn't that be great...picture it, standing in the check out line at the store. For one reason or another the cashier seems to be obnoxiously slow...and then it happens...their light starts flashing. You hear them explaining something to the customer in front of them. You know whatever this is it requires a supervisor, maybe even a manager, and it will take a long time. You consider switching lines and then wonder if that is rude...afterall you are in the middle of the line its not like you can just sneak out of the end of the line and over to the next register.
...then it hits you...
you prayed for patience yesterday...
well this is what you get...
good job self you prayed for patience and now you are going to be late for your dentist appointment because this line is so slow...

and you become even more irritated...
and you think...well you know what they say: be careful what you pray for.

I don't like it...it is like an excuse to me. I think if you need to pray for something, and think you might need to pray for something...you should pray for it...don't be careful about it...just pray for it...

God knows whats best for you so He'll know if you need it or not...sometimes God's answer is no right? Right. But you should be prepared.

Pray for patience? be prepared to be late.
Pray for guidance? prepare to be led somewhere uncomfortable.
Pray for finances? prepare to be at wits end and solely relying on others.
Pray for God to work through you? prepare to serve others.
Pray for anything at all? prepare to GROW.

Grow in patience, grow in trust, grow in service...be prepared to grow.

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