Thursday, March 9, 2017

If prayer was my everything

If Prayer was my Everything.

If prayer was my everything, life would not be a fairy tale
If prayer was my everything, I would still be tempted
If Christ was tempted in the desert I, as a human, am of course going to be tested.
But, if prayer was my everything my focus would be on God rather than the temptation.
If prayer was my everything it would be He that I sought after
If prayer was my everything, really God would be my everything
If prayer was my everything I would be satisfied
If prayer was my everything, my life would not be perfect
but if prayer was my everything I would follow God's will.
If prayer was my everything I'd be in constant communication with He who created me.
If prayer was my everything I would speak to God
and if prayer was my everything I would know Love
But prayer is not my everything
what am I waiting for?
-Brittany Erin

***please prayer being my everything I do not mean that prayer is something to idolize or treat as a god. What I mean is if prayer were what I spent my time on, filled my day with, etc. God of course should be one's everything and prayer is conversing with God, however it is not a god.