Saturday, August 31, 2013

Forever wanting more

Take a second to think about it...are you really happy with what you have? Everything?

I find we all too often are not happy with what we have.

curly haired girls are always wishing they had straighter/less frizzy hair
straight hair girls are forever wishing they had at least some curls.

boys...well I don't really know what boys want...a different body type? more...or maybe less facial hair?...boys confuse me...

but anyway its not just in looks and bodily also in possessions, careers, name it just want more in this commercial, which says it all

We are unhappy when we can't have the best phone, the biggest house, the best computer...and when we do get something we want, we want the next biggest thing immediately. We don't take any time to enjoy what we have. We want all of the accessories, the latest gadgets, we just always want what we perceive to be better.


Why do we not take time to be happy with what we have?  Why do we not realize what we do have?

I almost never find myself going "well you know I just have a great phone here, it does everything I need it to do without costing a fortune."

No. More often I find myself saying "Well, I have a dumb phone, it doesn't go online, it doesn't have snap chat and it cannot check the weather."  ...never-mind the fact that I have a computer that can do pretty much all of that stuff on my desk just feet away from me.

We get too caught up in what is next...what is newest...what do my friends have that I do not?

STOP IT! just stop it right now!  Look at what you have, is it pretty good? I'll bet you notice you actually have a lot. Complain about not having enough space in your closet? ...Look at all the clothes you is a lot of clothes isn't it. Appreciate the clothes instead of hating the closet.

This doesn't mean you should never want more, or want better for yourself, but sometimes it is just a good thing to realize what you have.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

My upcoming super busy life...

Hey all!

So I know I have a decent amount of followers...even though my "follow" button doesn't work...still don't know how to fix that one...and I figured I'd give y'all a heads up...


Oh man I leave on Monday for training for orientation team...which is a lasts until Thursday and then orientation ends on Sunday...and then...

I start orientation for student teaching the next day (I know most people have that Monday off...not the student teachers...lame right?)
That is a week long...and then

I START STUDENT exciting...and so terrifying...and VERY time consuming!

I will also have 2 jobs this semester which (praise the Lord) will help me buy important things like food...but will take up a bum ton of my time.

and I am also in a household (shout out to all the Daughters out there) ...and am going to try my very best to make it to as many commitments as I can

It is my last semester of my undergrad career and I am so close to my diploma and my certification I can almost feel them!

All this being said...expect my posts to occur less often...No I haven't fallen off the face of the earth...but this blog (as much as I love it) is not my first priority. I have so many ideas I want to write about...but those little kids who's educations are in my hands...they kind of come first. does my GPA...oh and maybe my sanity...

sanity is nice...but I guess I'll be sane when I'm I'll sleep when I'm dead...probably both let's be honest....

So I just wanted to give you an explanation for my upcoming absence from the blog world...I just can't do it all...I'm not dead...just sleep deprived and busy :)

Friday, August 2, 2013


So I was working by myself and enjoying some introverted thinking time

I know, I know...I know what you're thinking...but BRITT you're an extrovert...introverted thinking time...w-how?

I don't know guys...just sometimes I like to do things by ANYWAY...I was thinking

and I started thinking that it is a shame that people judge would just be so much friendlier if you didn't judge people...

and then I thought...but wait self...YOU judge people all the time...haha oops...

Sooo I'm not perfect, in one is perfect. Let's be honest it is impossible to be perfect...but we can strive for it...

so judging...ya, my guess is pretty much every human being on this planet struggles with judging people...but think about it...why, how...

how can we judge someone for not being perfect...when we aren't perfect ourselves

y'all know I'm a Christian, but religion can you justify it?

How can I judge you for being imperfect in some way...when I am clearly not perfect myself? It just doesn't make sense.

ok so think about it...You're walking down the street and you pass this person...doing something you clearly do not agree with...just picture it...what do you do...well you judge think to yourself "oh I cannot believe that they do THAT...and I mean they are doing THAT in public...oh gosh that just disgusts me."

meanwhile you have a laundry list of things you do wrong...things you do in public that make you cringe...things that make others cringe...things that you wish no one would do...yet you do them.

So why judge the other person?