Thursday, December 20, 2012

The Point of this Blog

So most people have a theme for their blogs. Some bloggers are really organized and include links to different websites they like or dislike. Some have political blogs, others religious. 

So what's the point of my blog?

I've been thinking about that. 

My blog is a place I intend to share my thoughts on things. Will they all be religious things? No, but some posts will be religious. Will they be political? Probably only if I feel something really needs to be said. Will it be random? Oh for sure that is mostly what this blog will be. It will be about things I encounter, things I think about, and things I do. 

Where did the name of my blog come from?

I used to be an art major in high school, so I have an artistic eye. In photography I really like when the objects in the front are black and the sky is lit up. I think this is very beautiful. I'm sure it could also be used as a metaphor for many things but honestly, it is simply because I find beauty in that natural lighting. 

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