Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Mary as Mother

"Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you. Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of death. Amen."

"blessed is the fruit of your womb.
"Holy Mary, mother of God."

Think about those lines for a minute. Have you ever realized that Mary is a mother. Have you ever really realized this. Think about this, think about what it means.

Mary was a mom!!!!

What does that mean for those of us who pray to her?

For me it means I have a prime model of motherhood to look up to. As a woman I am called to motherhood; be it physical or spiritual motherhood, all women are. We all hit a point in our lives where we say "If I am a mom, I will never be like my mother." Admit it we all do, usually its just temporary, and as we grow up we realize that our mothers may just know more than we think. We can look to our physical mothers for guidance, but I would like to propose that we also look to Our Lady as a model mother.

In the Catholic world we hear a lot of "Momma Mary" going around. Oh Momma Mary she is so good. Do we stop to think about who she is? Mary accepted the task of raising our savior. Mary was pregnant; imagine that. Mary watched her belly grow, she felt her baby kick, and she gave birth. She gave birth to a beautiful bouncing baby boy; our Savior. She raised Him; our Lord! Can you imagine the patience, the nurturing, and the guidance required to raise a Savior? Jesus is fully God, AND fully human. I would imagine that means He needed a loving mommy there for him as he grew up, and Mary was there for Him. She would have had to help Him with His physical needs, as any mother would. She also guided Him and urged Him forward (remember the wedding at Canna?).

As Catholics we have this wonderful model to look up to for motherhood; loving, caring, patient, and yet when needed she could still give that extra push to her Son.

Think about Mary as a mother. What does that mean to you?

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