Tuesday, January 6, 2015

The new girl in church

I've always been part of a church group...First I went to the Catholic school, and went to Children's Liturgy every Sunday...then CCD...the Youth Group...the a super duper Catholic college with many opportunities to be part of  a faith based group, households (kinda like sororities), ministries, mission trips, shoot we talked about God at work and in class...the companionship was everywhere...

but now...I'm the new girl...

er well I really shouldn't be the new girl anymore...

I moved here in August...and found a church I like enough to go to consistently about ummmm maybe 3 months ago...

...and I can count the number of times someone has spoken to me after church on one hand....and it was either an older woman or a small child...not a single person my own age...

This I am finding to be a problem in our church...think about it...how often do  you actually look around and talk to the people you don't know after mass? I bet it isn't too often.

We are regulars, we sit in our regular spots, talk to our regular friends and that's about it

Straight up it. We come we pray we talk to people we already know and we leave...

...but I have no one to talk to ...so I go to church, I pray, I leave...slowly walking out of the pew...hoping someone will talk to me...

I love love love my faith, don't get  me wrong, but the way we as Catholics interact with each other is disappointing..if we are all one body in Christ...why don't we speak to each other?

Think about it the next time you're in church...that person who always comes to mass alone? Say hello to them...really just a hello is all it takes to reach out to the new person in church.

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