...when it is hardest to pray
I take no credit for that phrase, I have no idea where it came from, and I'm sure we all know it.
I was thinking about this today...and all of the pictures that I usually see with this phrase are of a time of trial, or of something difficult, or of someone crying.
I thought some more...I typically associated this phrase with make sure you pray when you are going through something difficult. Almost as if it was a rule...something is tough: time to pray.
And then I thought...
But it isn't difficult for me to pray when something is wrong.
That is when I do most of my praying actually.
Remember that prayer is a conversation.
It is easy for me to pray when a loved one is sick, it is easy for me to remember to pray when I am sad, it is easy for me to turn to God when I am hurt or lonely. It is not difficult for me to say "What the heck God? I mean I know you have a plan but what does this have to do with it?" -great prayer right? I know...but it is a conversation with God...
Oh I talk to God all the time when I need help.
...it is when things are going well that I forget to talk to God
That is right...it is hardest for me to pray when everything is right with the world and I couldn't be happier.
Things are going well, I'm happy, I can pay my bills, I have no issues...I forget to pray...I don't have any questions for God, I don't think (think being the key word there) I need any guidance from God, I think I've got it all straight for a little while....and I don't talk to God about that.
I don't say "Hey God, you know what? This month I paid all of my bills on time, thanks for your help on that" or "Hey God, these new friends I've got are pretty great" or "Wow God, you're an amazing artist that sunset today was just perfect"
Then something happens to make my world fall apart and I go running back to God...God make it better...fix this boo boo...help me out...
and because God is so loving he welcomes me back into his arms and makes it better...
...There is not a person on this earth (to my knowledge anyway) who would truly do that...what kind of friend would stick around when they only see you when you're in trouble? what kind of relative would wipe away your tears time and time again without ever seeing your smile? ...There is no one I know of who is as accepting of our broken selves as God is....
...but I know I at least need to be a better friend to God...I need to remember that when I am happy I should tell God about it...just a simple...Hey God this really cool thing happened to me today and I had a pretty good day, I know where I'm at right now is somehow worked into you're plan for me and I'm excited to see where that goes.
So maybe for me the phrase shouldn't be coupled with pictures of strangers crying or symbols meant to represent a hard time...maybe the phrase still applies to me, but in the opposite of the way most people take it...how does it apply to you?
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