Sunday, July 14, 2013

What is beauty?

So what is beauty? This is...and probably will always be a tough question...

I recently posted some pictures on facebook (I love me some social media) and at first I was all like....dangggg I love the way I look in these pictures! and I was pleased with them...but then I looked at them with more than just a glance and I started picking myself apart...oh my dress is slightly disheveled hair is frizzy nose is GIANT...ewww my cheeks look huge in that picture...and then I think...

really? really self? are we really going to do this right now?

Women...we just don't get it...we tear ourselves down...we notice things about ourselves that others wouldn't even think of...or others might find attractive...who knows? 

We compare ourselves to others...see that other girl in the picture? oh she looks much better in this picture than I do...Wow look at that girl she is so pretty, I could never pull off an outfit like that...lucky her that her clothes fit so well...her belly is flatter than mine, how does she do it?...My chest looks completely flat compared to hers...

Why? Why do we do this...honestly I do not know...I am not a psychologist, and all of the courses I took on psychology were related to human development, not the way women think of themselves so I can't really even begin to guess...

Many people would probably blame the media...don't we just love love love to blame the media. I'm sure it plays a part, probably a rather large one...but I think there are also other factors. I think we do this because we always want more. We always want to be prettier, we always want to get more attention, we always want to be desirable...and we always think we aren't...we always take things very personally...even if there isn't actually something to take personally. 

The point remains that women too often don't see their beauty...they only see their PERCEIVED flaws-what they think makes them look unattractive...

So I look at the pictures again...and I see happiness, I see the kind of smile where it shows on my whole face and in my eyes, I see wonderfully curly hair, I see my blue eyes that sometimes show hints of other colors, I see that wrinkle in my forehead; not as something bad, but as an accent to my face, I see those times when I still look like a little kid, and I see those times when I look like the woman I've become

Beauty is not a set of standards that women have to achieve. It is not something that can be clearly defined. It doesn't come in a package. There is no outfit that suddenly makes you more beautiful. It is not hidden in make up and accessories. 

There is no formula for beauty.

Beauty is something that has to do with who you are. Inner beauty radiates outward, it is true, it isn't just something people say; I see it every day. Beauty is very personal: your beauty is unique. No one else has your beauty. You are the only one as beautiful as you are. Your laugh, your smile, your eyes, hair, nose, your joy, your personality...whatever it is that makes you who you are, and as beautiful as you are the only one like that right there is something special. Embrace it.

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